Parenting in a Pandemic and Parenting Resources

Parenting can be difficult at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic! Check out these articles and additional resources for interesting perspectives and useful tips for parenting during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Parenting in a Pandemic and Parenting Resources
Coronavirus crisis: What your children need most for a strong, resilient future is you. Be lovingly present with your children during this hard time. It will help you find joy in shared moments and protect their development for a lifetime. READ MORE
Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Trauma-Informed Resources Available During COVID-19 Quarantine & Open Zoom Chat
Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN) knows that the social distancing going on now can be VERY unsettling for our children impacted by trauma. Their early adversities cause them heightened anxiety when there are changes and when the adults in their world seem tense. Yet, we also have opportunities to increase connection, enhance our relationship with our children and model how to stay regulated when things are not “normal”.Here are tips we have for Families on a forced “Staycation” and information on our weekly Open Zoom Chat room: “It’s Ok to NOT Be Ok!” Join ATN every Friday from 2-4pm Central through May. We’re All In This Together…and it AIN’T Easy! Login link is: READ MORE
Health Emergencies: Sesame Street in Communities
A health emergency brings many changes and much uncertainty for young children and their families, but there are things we can do to face each day with optimism and hope. We can practice healthy habits like hand-washing and coughing into the bend in our arm. We can offer comfort, connect with, and care for others safely. And we can keep learning and growing at home through everyday routines and simple activities. The resources on this page can help families cope during challenging times. READ MORE
How to talk to your children about structural racism during the pandemic
In a moment caught on video, CNN producer Tawanda Scott heard her daughter talking to her friend about coronavirus. Her daughter’s friend said, “they said it’s hitting African-Americans especially hard.” This moment was aired today during the CNN and Sesame Street coronavirus town hall where Dr. Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge, a child psychiatrist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, discussed how challenging these types of conversations can be with children. WATCH HERE
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Asian-American students like my son face racist taunting. Let’s change that.
My first concern about COVID-19, back when it was still mostly something that was happening 7,000 miles away in China, was not just safety and sanitation. It was racism. READ MORE
New Adult and Teen Resources
Chicago Adult Adoptee Support Group
These groups are free, drop-in, peer-led meetings specifically for adult adoptees (18+ and over). Bi-weekly meetings will be held every second & fourth Thursday of each month on zoom from 7pm-9pm. This group will be a safe space for adult adoptees to connect, listen, and share their experiences of growing up in an adoptive family. Some topics that they will be exploring as a group are experiences around transracial, same-race, international adoption, search & reunion, etc. If you’re an adoptee and would like to join the group, please email Sarah at Thank you for your willingness and courage to be in community.
Online Coaching Programs for Teen Adoptees
Kate Powers has over 12 years of experience as a practitioner of mental health counseling and healing arts therapies including trauma therapy and yoga/meditation teaching. She is a transracial adoptee who grew up in the Midwest in St. Louis, MO. She is a life coach who provides guidance and support for those wanting less anxiety and more ease in their lives. Kate helps people find confidence, manage stress and navigate life, and the adoption journey in healthy, productive ways. She works with adoptee youth and adults, and parents of adoptees on a one-to-one basis and in groups. She currently hosts an online group for Adoptee Teens via Zoom. For further information, please see or email:
*ACI does not endorse or vouch for any particular organization or resource**