Since you’re reading this, let us start by saying: Welcome! You are facing such a big decision, and we hope that no matter what you choose, you find some comfort in it. We’re honored you’ve chosen to look at our profile as you weigh your choices. Take a look at our pictures and stories and see if they fit into your vision for your child. No matter what you choose, our hopes and prayers are with you and your child.
We met in college in 2007 when we moved into the same dorm. Sharon needed an assistant stage manager for a play that winter, and Anakin volunteered. We waited (very professionally) until the cast party to get together, and we’ve been together ever since. We got married in 2012, and spent the following years choosing and changing careers, getting masters degrees, and figuring out how to be grownups. When we adopted Edie in 2021, she rocked our world. We fell even more deeply in love and reinvented ourselves as parents.
We both come from big extended families scattered across the country with whom we are really close. Almost all our childhood memories include our siblings and cousins, and they remain some of our closest friends in adulthood. We want that same experience for Edie and any future children we raise as well. So we’re hoping to add another bundle of joy to the mix!
Sharon, according to Anakin:
Sharon (36) grew up in San Jose, California, the oldest of three children. She is the smartest person I know (and she almost always uses those powers for good). She is silly and clever and quick to laugh and dance. She is driven to be nothing but the best at whatever she is doing, and to help others do the same. She is also absolutely the person you want next to you in a crisis. Sharon is enthusiastic, responsive, and incredibly capable as a mom. I am in awe of her ability to just be present with our child, whether they’re doing puzzles or playing pretend or chasing each other through the halls.
Anakin, according to Sharon:
Anakin (35) grew up on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the middle of three children. He is steady, dependable, loyal, and creative. As a dad, he is engaged, playful, and present. As a teacher, Anakin works hard to build a classroom environment where all of his students feel welcome, safe, and celebrated. He ends every class period by telling his students he loves them (and he means it). He does that same work for everyone in his life. He loves cooking, playing games, and sharing stories with his family and friends.
Edie, according to mommy and daddy:
Miss Edna Susanne (4!) came to us from rural Illinois, but has grown up into quite the Chicago kid. She loves dress-ups, swimming, and board games, and never lets the cold bother her. She is a determined girl who never gives up on a physical challenge or new experience. She is energetic, joyful, and in charge. Edie will make a committed, supportive, and loving older sister. We are lucky enough to get to visit with some of Edie’s birth family several times a year, and we are unspeakably grateful to her Mama and Grandpa and sister for their willingness to be a part of her life (and to allow us into theirs), to help her know her whole story.
We want to open our home and our lives, and to share the everyday wonders of exploring playgrounds, cooking dinners together, singing silly songs, going on adventures, cuddling with our cat, Cookie, and playing games as a family.
If you’ve read this far, we hope you’ve liked what you’ve seen (we’re only human, after all). You are facing so many big decisions in the coming weeks and months, and no matter what you choose, we hope that you find peace and comfort in it. Our hopes and prayers are with you.
— Anakin, Sharon, & Edie