ACI’s Ask a Question About Adoption

What does creating an adoption plan look like?

what does creating an adoption plan look like

ACI is dedicated to demystifying the process of adoption for birth parents. Our blog series ACI’s Ask a Question About Adoption has resources for birth parents trying to understand what their adoption journey may look like.

When considering placing a child for adoption, you might feel many emotions, possibly, all at once. The complexity of adoption is often hard to navigate and make sense of.  When starting to create your adoption plan, your ACI counselor is there to help you process all those emotions and have a listening ear. We strive to empower moms to reframe their mindset. Reframe from “giving up your baby” to making a thoughtful, heartfelt adoption plan for your child. 

Meeting with your counselor 

One of ACI’s experienced counselors will meet you at one of your local libraries, restaurants,coffee shops, or any other public location of your choosing. We will always meet you at a place and time that is convenient and comfortable for you. A virtual meeting is also a possibility.  There is no commitment to moving forward with an adoption plan no matter what. 

During the first meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about adoption, your rights, the process, or prospective adoptive families. Your counselor will go over each step of the process in creating an adoption plan and the Illinois Birth Parent Rights and Responsibilities. 

You may also be asked a few simple questions about you, your pregnancy, and the father of the child.  If sharing information seems too soon for you, we understand, and you can just share what you’re comfortable with.  After the initial meeting, you can meet with your counselor as much or as little as you need.

The role of your counselor  

The role of your counselor is to be your advocate, listener, and empower you to make any decision you feel is best for you and your child.  She will also help guide you to knowing all your options when it comes to creating an adoption plan and help you to figure out what feels best for you. 

Adoption plan paperwork

An expectant mom can not sign any documents committing to adoption or terminating her parental rights before their baby is born. If an agency or attorney is requiring you to sign an adoption commitment letter, contact an adoption attorney in your state.  

However, there are many documents that you will be asked to complete as part of the adoption process.  Documents that will help us to get to know you even better.  These documents can be filled out slowly at each meeting or all at once. 

Help with establishing prenatal care or any other community support

We are always available in helping get access to insurance/public aid or help accessing prenatal care.  If there is a need for other support we can help you get connected to community resources that can help you. 

Choosing an adoptive family 

You may have some ideas about what you envision the prospective adoptive family will be like. Maybe you want them to be of a specific religion or family makeup. When you meet with your counselor, you’ll share anything you feel is important to you when looking at prospective families. The counselor will then present all the current home study approved families that may be a good fit for you.  View Current Waiting Families

Match meeting

Once you have chosen your top prospective family, you can set up a breakfast or lunch meeting with them and your counselor. There is still no pressure in moving forward with an adoption plan or even the specific family. This meeting is just to get to know them more. While this may seem intimidating, your ACI counselor is there to help guide the conversation and ask any questions you may not feel comfortable asking. We often joke that this meeting feels like a first date for everyone!  

To get an idea of what potential families may look like, many of our hopeful adoptive families choose to share a shortened version of their family profile on our website.  View families.

Hospital plan / Temporary care

Before you deliver, we will help you explore what you want your hospital stay to look like and help  communicate those wishes to the hospital social worker so the nurses and doctors know how to support you.  You can decide if you would like to spend time with your baby, or  if you would like the adoptive family you choose to be at the hospital.  As part of this plan, we will also coordinate discharge for you and the baby. 

Information for People with Older Children

If your child is already born or older, we can provide temporary care for your baby while you are exploring adoption. Temporary care gives you time and space while you decide if adoption really is the best option for you. The process of creating a plan is the exact same as above, the baby is just in your care or with one of ACI’s temporary care families.

Our Commitment

When working with Adoption Center of Illinois, our goal is to help you be the most informed so you can make the decisions you feel is best for you and your child; Our help, Your decisions. Our counselors are here to be your advocate, help you explore your options, and support you no matter what you decide. 

If you’re considering adoption, we encourage you to reach out for help thinking through your adoption plan There is no commitment by just talking with a counselor. The only way to really have peace with your decision is to explore every option possible for your child.   

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